Get new customers among
21 million Cốc Cốc users

Create advertising account for your business

42% of all Vietnamese internet users enjoy Cốc Cốc

On average every user opens 7 new tabs in browser per day

On average every user makes 6-7 search queries per day

More than 6000 companies in Vietnam attract new customers through Quảng cáo Cốc Cốc


Imagine how your goods may look like in Cốc Cốc browser.

  • 1. New Banner Ads

    For millions of users, the Internet starts from the Cốc Cốc browser homepage. According to Google Analytics, Cốc Cốc’s monthly audience is 21 million people. There is only ever one banner place on Cốc Cốc’s homepage. Our big 640x360 banner is located right in the center of users’ attention. We also have a cheaper, though no less effective, 728x90 format.

  • 2. Search Ads

    Advertising in Cốc Cốc’s search results can help you rapidly increase your sales. By targeting only people who are already looking for information about your products or services, this format is highly effective.

  • 3. Search Banners

    Stand out from the crowd with a banner on the Cốc Cốc search results page. Banner ads can draw more attention to your product or service over other advertisers’ text ads on the same page. This format combines media and search advertising to give you the best of both: a large format banner which only displays to an interested audience.

  • 4. Video ads

    We can place your video directly on the Cốc Cốc Browser Homepage and capture users’ attention with a huge size, 640x380px video. We use a special technology so your video is loaded immediately, irrespective of users’ internet speeds. You can interact with viewers by incorporating clickable elements (button, logo, link) and allowing users to go straight to your landing page.

  • 5. News’ promotion

    21 million Cốc Cốc users see this as the place to get their daily news about Vietnam. Now Cốc Cốc clients can reach these users by promoting their PR article in the News Block. Your articles may be published directly on your company’s website, Facebook fan page or a news’ website. In this case, we are here to help you find more readers.

  • 6. Browser’ skins

    You can reach millions of users in a unique and memorable way by branding Côc Cốc browser. With this format, your message will be the first thing users see when they open their browser. We are happy to make all your creative and interactive ideas come true.

  • 7. Icon Ads

    Icons are located at the bottom of the Cốc Cốc browser homepage. Because we only sell a limited number of icons, users do not view them as advertising and these places produce excellent conversion rates. This format is ideal for businesses that need a high daily user return rate (games, ecommerce, news, food delivery, movies, etc.).

Minimum advertising budget: 500 000 VND

Minimum price per click: 2500

Pay only when your target audience click your ads No click being made - no charges to take

Start your first ads’ campaign

Minimum advertising budget: 500 000 VND

Minimum price per click: 100-500 VND

Pay only when your target audience click your ads No click being made - no charges to take

Start your first ads’ campaign

Minimum advertising budget: 500 000 VND

Minimum price per click: 3300 VND

Pay only when your target audience click your ads No click being made - no charges to take

Start your first ads’ campaign

Minimum advertising budget: 500 000 VND

Minimum price per click: 5,000

Pay only when your target audience click your ads No click being made - no charges to take

Start your first ads’ campaign

Minimum advertising budget: 500 000 VND

Fixed price per thousand impressions: 1500 VND

Pay only when your target audience click your ads No click being made - no charges to take

Start your first ads’ campaign

Minimum budget for this format starts from 75 million VND

We will only charge you when a user clicks on your banner

Pay only when your target audience click your ads No click being made - no charges to take

Start your first ads’ campaign

Minimum advertising budget: 500 000 VND

Minimum price per click: 800 VND

Pay only when your target audience click your ads No click being made - no charges to take

Start your first ads’ campaign
  • 1. New Banner Ads

    For millions of users, the Internet starts from the Cốc Cốc browser homepage. According to Google Analytics, Cốc Cốc’s monthly audience is 21 million people. There is only ever one banner place on Cốc Cốc’s homepage. Our big 640x360 banner is located right in the center of users’ attention. We also have a cheaper, though no less effective, 728x90 format.

    Minimum advertising budget: 500 000 VND

    Minimum price per click: 2500

    Pay only when your target audience click your ads
    No click being made - no charges to take

    Start your first ads’s campaign

  • 2. Search Ads

    Advertising in Cốc Cốc’s search results can help you rapidly increase your sales. By targeting only people who are already looking for information about your products or services, this format is highly effective.

    Minimum advertising budget: 500 000 VND

    Minimum price per click: 100-500 VND

    Pay only when your target audience click your ads
    No click being made - no charges to take

    Start your first ads’s campaign

  • 3. Search Banners

    Stand out from the crowd with a banner on the Cốc Cốc search results page. Banner ads can draw more attention to your product or service over other advertisers’ text ads on the same page. This format combines media and search advertising to give you the best of both: a large format banner which only displays to an interested audience.

    Minimum advertising budget: 500 000 VND

    Minimum price per click: 3300 VND

    Pay only when your target audience click your ads
    No click being made - no charges to take

    Start your first ads’s campaign

  • 4. Video Ads

    We can place your video directly on the Cốc Cốc Browser Homepage and capture users’ attention with a huge size, 640x380px video. We use a special technology so your video is loaded immediately, irrespective of users’ internet speeds. You can interact with viewers by incorporating clickable elements (button, logo, link) and allowing users to go straight to your landing page.

    Minimum advertising budget: 500 000 VND

    Minimum price per click: 5,000

    Pay only when your target audience click your ads
    No click being made - no charges to take

    Start your first ads’s campaign

  • 5. News’ Promotion

    21 million Cốc Cốc users see this as the place to get their daily news about Vietnam. Now Cốc Cốc clients can reach these users by promoting their PR article in the News Block. Your articles may be published directly on your company’s website, Facebook fan page or a news’ website. In this case, we are here to help you find more readers.

    Minimum advertising budget: 500 000 VND

    Fixed price per thousand impressions: 1500 VND

    Pay only when your target audience click your ads
    No click being made - no charges to take

    Start your first ads’s campaign

  • 6. Browser’ Skins

    You can reach millions of users in a unique and memorable way by branding Côc Cốc browser. With this format, your message will be the first thing users see when they open their browser. We are happy to make all your creative and interactive ideas come true.

    Minimum budget for this format starts from 75 million VND

    We will only charge you when a user clicks on your banner

    Pay only when your target audience click your ads
    No click being made - no charges to take

    Start your first ads’s campaign

  • 7. Icon Ads

    Icons are located at the bottom of the Cốc Cốc browser homepage. Because we only sell a limited number of icons, users do not view them as advertising and these places produce excellent conversion rates. This format is ideal for businesses that need a high daily user return rate (games, ecommerce, news, food delivery, movies, etc.).

    Minimum advertising budget: 500 000 VND

    Minimum price per click: 800 VND

    Pay only when your target audience click your ads
    No click being made - no charges to take

    Start your first ads’s campaign

On average, each user visits Cốc Cốc’ homepage 7 times per day. Which means that you can show your message to one person with high frequency, increasing the chance of it to be remembered.


Statistics tools show the data to optimize and predict the effectiveness of advertising campaign in real time.


Suitable keywords, business’s subject, geo location, day time and repeat impressions help you to involve more potential customers. Only interested customers click on your ads. No clicks means no charges.


Imagine that you already started another ads’ campaign using Google Adwords. In such cases, it is a matter of minutes to pull that campaign into Quang Cao.


Your personal ads helper will lend a hand in running, measuring and optimizing your campaigns.

Create advertise account

In order to predict results of your future ads’ campaign and to know all the possibilities of your website you need to fill in this simple application form.

I am thinking of starting advertisement via Cốc Cốc

Please drive me through Cốc Cốc advertising formats and targeting options suitable for my business and call me back

In order to help me starting this campaign


Read about their results

Connect with potential customers before they choose your competitors

Put your ads on Cốc Cốc

Free support

for those, who do not have any experience in advertisement

Potential customers

who are interested in your goods and services and willing to buy

Withdraw money available

from your account balance at any time